Sunday, May 15, 2011

Céad Míle Fáilte! (One Hundred Thousand Welcomes)

Greetings, blogosphere. I'm delighted and excited to begin this blog. I've been planning it for a while, and I can now devote the time and energy necessary to make it what I want it to be.

In 2005, as a college freshman, I fell in love with the writing of the Irish playwright John Millington Synge, and after reading his travel memoir The Aran Islands, more of his plays, essays, poetry, and his biography, I realized I was in love with his love of Aran.

Synge visited Aran five times during his lifetime. Twice I have been pulled to Aran because of Synge - in 2007 for 3 days, and in 2010 for a month. Those two visits cemented my love of the Aran Islands, and catalyzed a fascinating path of self discovery. I'm returning for a third visit to the islands this summer to see what else I'll find.

This blog will be devoted to sharing my research on Synge and the Aran Islands, photos, quotations, poetry, and exciting Aran or Synge-related news and events.

Looking forward to your comments!


  1. Awessomeee. I'm jelly of your upcoming trip!!

    I read Playboy of the Western World on college and found it to be one of my favorites in that class. I also read a lot of Yeats. Now that guy was a weirdo...! haha

  2. @Elizabeth, I imagine Synge might have agreed with you about Yeats. From what I understand, they seem to have had a complicated relationship.

    Thanks for reading! I will keep you updated on the trip!
